Tuesday, June 3, 2014

PC vs Mac: Why You're Wrong and Why it Doesn't Matter

I would like to preface this by saying that I use Windows 7 and I most likely will not change my preference in OS until I am ready to, before Windows 7 I used Windows XP and completely skipped Vista. I am not opposed to Apple products nor do I hate Apple products, I just know that they are not for me. I build my own desktop computers so I can make my desktop bigger, stronger and faster than any Mac on the market and save money in doing so, I understand that these are not skills that everyone has and I am firmly in the minority here. There is a healthy percentage of people that just want to use their device for the internet and I am not going to look down on them for not spending hours researching/shopping/building a desktop to accomplish that task, again I find myself firmly in the minority. As it stands only religion or politics can bring about a more heated debate than Mac vs PC.

In case you weren't on Twitter, Facebook or the internet yesterday, Apple had their Worldwide Developers Conference and instead of printing out everything that was discussed, I will let Forbes do that. Now I don't expect anyone to sift through that wall of text, so thankfully Gizmodo put together a much shorter list. Does anyone actually believe that Apple "borrowed" their new iOS8 additions from any of the existing companies? Well, at least one of those companies' CEO's does. Apple also discussed their increase in overall computer market share yesterday but let's take an unbiased look at the numbers from companies that don't have a dog in the fight. It should be noted that though Apple is losing control of the smartphone market, from an application developer standpoint they are a more profitable option. Personally I am more impressed with the iOS8 features that Apple didn't address in yesterday's WWDC as well as the addition of cryptocurrency apps. I should also note that in my experience with Mac OS' I have found them to be very user friendly but I am a creature of habit. I will say that when I started programming I found it odd that Windows was the only OS that did not come with Python pre-installed.

Which OS is better? Which computer is better? Which smartphone or tablet is better? I belive Eddie Murphy's Coming to America put it best...

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