Sunday, June 8, 2014

What You May Have Missed This Past Week and What's Upcoming.

Xbox finally extended its Games With Gold program to the Xbox One and released their big update which no longer requires a gold membership for its most popular apps. The biggest news of the tech world this past week involved Apple and their WWDC, because it garnered such widespread interest a few important, or at least noteworthy, items may have been missed in the process. 
  • Miami-Dade police impound three Lyft cars in two days.
  • Tesla wins back the right to sell directly to consumers in New Jersey.
  • Apple CEO Tim Cook tweets a photo of an Apple assembly line running Windows.
  • Facebook approved, and is now running, a Dogecoin tipping app.
  • A computer has passed the Turing Test for the first time in history. Debunked
  • Netflix lets users know it's Verizon that is impairing streaming quality, Verizon files a cease and desist letter.
  • A patent troll is ordered to pay up for the first time.
  • Telecom companies are to blame for you not being able to get Google Fiber.
  • John Oliver asks internet trolls to tell the FCC they are against net neutrality, FCC's website gets bogged down.
This week I will touch on what exactly torrenting is including how to get started, if such a thing might interest you. I also plan on writing about getting started with animation and how I started the process of beginning a website. I would like to extend a Thank You to all of my readers in an amazing thirteen different countries in just two weeks.

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